Federal and Provincial Responsibilities in Canadian Agriculture

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Federal and Provincial Responsibilities in Canadian Agriculture Webinar
Did you know that Canada is the world’s fifth-largest exporter of agriculture and agri-food products? The sector contributes over $135 billion to the country’s GDP and employs over 2.1 million Canadians. However, the division of responsibilities between the federal and provincial governments can be confusing and complex, which leads to challenges for farmers, industry stakeholders, and consumers alike.
Join our panel of experts as they delve into the responsibilities of both federal and provincial governments in the agriculture sector. They will discuss the roles and mandates of key government bodies such as Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Alberta. Federal responsibilities include areas such as animal welfare, climate emission targets, trade, and supply management, with some carve-outs for provincial jurisdiction. In contrast, provincial responsibilities focus mainly on areas such as irrigation and insurance, with specific federal responsibilities to assist in these areas.
Our panellists will explore the implications of this division of responsibilities on farmers, consumers, and the industry as a whole. Specific examples will be highlighted, such as the ongoing debate over supply management in the dairy industry, which has been the subject of both federal and provincial policies.
- Dr. Grace Skogstad. Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto Scarborough
- Connie Phillips. Executive Director at Alberta Beekeepers Commission. Former Executive Manager with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
- Shawn Wiskar, Policy Analyst, The Simpson Centre, The School of Public PolicyThere is no cost to register. The webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues that may be interested.
There is no cost to register. The webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues that may be interested.
Contact us at sppcomm@ucalgary.ca with any questions.
The Simpson Centre mobilizes research for better policymaking and decision-making to realize a more sustainable agricultural industry. Strengthening the sustainability of agri-food and agribusiness means increasing food production to feed a growing global population, while attending to social and health impacts and the natural environment. We connect researchers, everyday people, industry stakeholders and government actors to scientific issues critical to the future of Canada’s agricultural and food system.