Major Sporting Events and Mid-Size Cities: Shut Out or Golden Opportunity?

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m
Calgary, AB
Calgary has a long and proud history of hosting major sports events. A new city council will soon be in place, and with it a renewed discussion of issues such as the Olympics, a hockey arena and fieldhouse. Recent polls show that fiscal responsibility is the top priority for Calgarians, so where does that leave council, Calgary businesses and athletes when the question of funding these events arises?
Join The School of Public Policy for our monthly Current Affairs luncheon, where our expert panel will discuss the economic and cultural impacts of major sporting events on mid-size cities.
Panelists Include:
- Brad Humphreys, Professor of Economics at West Virginia University and Sports Economics expert
- Carrie Tait, Reporter, The Globe and Mail
- Jason Markusoff, Maclean’s
- Marco De Iaco, former Vice-President of Sport, Culture and Major Events, Tourism Calgary and Director, Calgary Olympic Bid Exploration Committee
Fairmont Palliser Hotel
Alberta Room
133 9th Ave. SW