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Watch the Webinar Cross-Canada Infrastructure Corridor, The Rights of Indigenous Peoples and ‘Meaningful Consultation’ Watch Now The Canadian Northern Corridor Research Program is a flagship research program of The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary. The purpose of the Program is to provide the information and analysis necessary to establish the feasibility […]

Watch the Webinar Canadian Agri-foods and Temporary Foreign Workers: Inextricably Linked Watch Now Are TFW’s a big deal in Canadian agriculture? School of Public Policy author Robert Falconer says yes. Our temporary foreign workers in Canada are not so temporary, and Canada relies on them, especially in agriculture. Join us to explore the reasons for […]

Watch the Webinar Financing and Funding Approaches for Establishment, Governance and Regulatory Oversight of the Canadian Northern Corridor Watch Now The Northern Corridor Webinar Series The Canadian Northern Corridor Research Program is a flagship research program of The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary. The purpose of the Program is to provide […]

Watch the Webinar Climate Change and Implications for the Proposed Canadian Northern Corridor Watch Now The Northern Corridor Webinar Series The Canadian Northern Corridor Research Program is a flagship research program of The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary. The purpose of the Program is to provide the information and analysis necessary […]

Watch the Webinar Policy and a Pint – U.S. Election Results and Ramifications. What Lies Ahead? Watch Now The last four years have been tumultuous for Canadian industries that trade with the U.S. From the shredding and rewriting of NAFTA, to steel and aluminum, Canadian industries have been on edge wondering ‘what’s next’ for our […]

Watch the Webinar Big Beef Watch Now Canada plays in the big leagues with its major agri-food exports, among them Alberta beef. To compete, 75% of our beef production goes through only three plants in Canada. Explore the risks, benefits, and reasons behind this situation as we preview a soon-to-be-released Simpson Centre paper by Dr. […]

Watch the Webinar The Canadian Northern Corridor Concept Watch Now The Northern Corridor Webinar Series The Canadian Northern Corridor Research Program is a flagship research program of The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary. The purpose of the Program is to provide the information and analysis necessary to establish the feasibility of […]

Watch the Webinar U.S. Election Webinar Series: Post-Election Expert Panel Watch Now Two days after the official U.S. election, the results may or may not be in. A clear winner may have been decided, or the results may be heading to court. Americans may be celebrating a peaceful transition of power, or the world might […]

The University of Calgary Master of Public Policy program is a 13-month integrated program that gives you the skills and understanding to create and impact policy in both the public and private sectors. Learn more about the Master of Public Policy program by attending one of the upcoming information sessions. Register today for your opportunity […]

Watch the Webinar Value-Added – Can Canada Globally Compete? Watch Now Do you search for “made-in-Canada” foods when grocery-shopping? The road to putting a processed food product on the shelf is hard in Canada: from federal and provincial regulations, to trade agreements, to competition in global markets, many hurdles stand in the way of value-added […]

Watch the Webinar U.S. Election Webinar Series: Pre-Election Expert Panel Watch Now All previous language about the importance of an election now sound like clichés. After four years of a tumultuous Trump presidency, U.S. cities are on fire, COVID has killed 200,000 Americans, and debt and deficit now seem out of control. The U.S. seems […]

The University of Calgary Master of Public Policy program is a 13-month integrated program that gives you the skills and understanding to create and impact policy in both the public and private sectors. Learn more about the Master of Public Policy program by attending one of the upcoming information sessions. Register today for your opportunity […]

Watch the Webinar Does Alberta Have Enough Water to Grow? Expert Panel Discussion Watch Now We all know Alberta – especially southern Alberta – can be a very dry place. And as the population and industry continues to grow, the pressure on our water supply keeps mounting. The Government of Alberta recently announced support for […]

Watch the Webinar The Future Global Agri-foods Market for Canadian Products: High Tech and High Demand Watch Now Canada’s agriculture and agri-foods export growth has been remarkable. Today, Canada’s major markets include India, China, and other countries in SE Asia, with large opportunities for future growth. Canada’s technical expertise has shone – higher crop yields, […]

Watch the Webinar Agri-Foods and Innovation Discussion: Technology and Twenty-first Century Canadian Farming Watch Now Canada’s agriculture and agri-foods industry is remarkable in the amount of technological change seen in the past 50 years. The average Canadian may not be aware of just how far Canadian agriculture has come, how high-tech it is in 2020, […]

Watch the Webinar Barriers and Benefits to Entrepreneurial Thinking in Government: Part Two Watch Now The Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and The School of Public Policy are proud to invite you to a two-part online discussion on the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurial thinking in government. Part two of the series will examine […]

Watch the Webinar From Farm to Table: The Culinary Connection Watch Now Never has understanding where, exactly, our food comes from been as critical as it is now. Starting with farmers and producers, we will explore the food supply chain and how it affects local businesses who rely on it. Three well-known chefs will share […]

Watch the Webinar Barriers and Benefits to Entrepreneurial Thinking in Government: Part One Watch Now The Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and The School of Public Policy are proud to invite you to a two-part online discussion on the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurial thinking in government. The first part of the event is a live online […]

Watch the Webinar Beefing Up the Post-COVID Economy – Livestock as a Driver of Growth Watch Now Because of COVID we’ve all become very aware of supply chains – especially for food.  Some items are in short supply – some are more expensive.  Beef is one of those items.  The supply disruption has shown us […]