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We are pleased to share the news that Dr. Siu Ming Kwok has been appointed as the Academic Director of The School of Public Policy (SPP) effective July 19, 2021, for a two-year term. Dr. Kwok is currently serving as the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) in the Faculty of Social Work. In this role he […]
The University of Calgary Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies and The School of Public Policy has received substantial funding from the Department of National Defence. The Canadian Network on Information and Security (CANIS) project will be co-led by Dr. Erin Gibbs Van Brunschot from the Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies and […]
Dear colleagues, I am pleased to share the news that Peter MacKinnon has been appointed interim director of The School of Public Policy (SPP) from Sept. 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Originally from Prince Edward Island, Peter’s working life has primarily been in Western Canada. In 2012, he stepped down after serving 13 […]
IDEAS/RePEc released their global top 25 per cent of policy schools as of 2020 and The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary ranked number 33. The School of Public Policy is the only policy school in Canada to have made the list, appearing alongside policy schools from Harvard, Columbia and Stanford to name a few. IDEAS […]
The School of Public Policy, with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM), is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Guillaume Lhermie, DVM, PhD, as the new director of the Simpson Centre. Almost a year ago, on Feb. 7, 2020, the Simpson Centre for Agricultural and Food Innovation and Public Education was launched with a […]
Nicole Wiedman, a graduate of the Master’s program with The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary, has been named as one of the recipients of the 2020 Young Women in Energy Awards. Wiedman, Indigenous Relations Manager with MEG Energy, says she is very honoured to receive the award and understands the weight […]
The School of Public Policy is pleased to announce The Honourable Rona Ambrose, P.C., and David A. Bissett, C.M., A.O.E., as the 2020 Distinguished Policy Fellows. Please join us in recognizing these two distinguished leaders for their lifetime commitment to the betterment of public policy in Canada. Given to eminent individuals who display leadership excellence […]
The world has changed radically from just a few short months ago. The long-term impact of the coronavirus is yet to be determined, but there is no question we will experience seismic change going forward. Working from home offers both positive and negative impacts: reduced productivity but lower costs for facilities. In a world where […]
A report published Tuesday says Calgary’s homeless and other vulnerable populations are particularly at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ronald Kneebone, a researcher at the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy, says most people will be fine in this situation, but those who depend on social service agencies — and those agencies themselves — are struggling. […]