Press releases
Canada escaped the last great financial crisis relatively unscathed – at least compared to other major economies like the U.S. However, a report published today by The School of Public Policy heeds the warning that the next crisis could cause serious damage to the country’s financial sector and overall economy because regulators have not addressed […]
There is widespread concern that Canadians are not saving enough for retirement. Several proposals for Canada Pension Plan reform are being floated as a result. A report published today by The School of Public Policy critiques these proposals and identifies which segment of the Canadian population needs CPP expansion most. “It sounds like a problem […]
A report released today by The School of Public Policy offers a national scan of social assistance usage rates to identify trends amongst the Canadian provinces. Based on their analysis, Ron Kneebone and Katherine White conclude that Ontario has the biggest problem with welfare usage (over 7 per cent in 2012) – Alberta maintains the […]
In a report published today in advance of the upcoming federal budget by The School of Public Policy, Jack Mintz and Philip Bazel argue that efforts to revamp the Canada Pension Plan should take a backseat to a couple of straightforward policy reforms that would take 50-75% of single impoverished seniors, living alone, out of […]
Alberta lags behind several Canadian provinces and American states when it comes to energy efficiency, and the province does not appear poised to catch up. A report published today by The School of Public Policy reaches this conclusion and argues the province would be wise to direct more attention and resources towards improving its current […]
Natural resources can be a curse or a blessing for countries. Resources mean revenue, but can also create dependency, lack of diversification, large currency swings, and costly economic and political instability. The lesson for Canada, delivered at a press conference in Ottawa today by renowned economist Alan Gelb, is that we need to manage our […]
A report published today by The School of Public Policy identifies staggering costs associated with autism and advocates increased support for families dealing with this challenge. “An autism diagnosis of a high-needs child at age two represents the equivalent of telling the family that they must make an immediate lump-sum investment on that day of […]
Guaranteed annual income programs for seniors are a policy success story for Canada as it boasts one of the world’s lowest poverty rates among the elderly. A new report funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and released by The School of Public Policy recommends these programs be extended to a much larger age […]
In the summer of 2012, then Defence Minister Peter MacKay declared the effort to update Canada’s maritime helicopter fleet with 28 new Cyclone aircraft as the worst procurement in Canadian history. Harsh criticism indeed, but the fact is that almost 30 years have passed since government decided to update its dying fleet. Sadly, this example […]