Press releases
Address by the Honourable Jim Prentice, P.C. Q.C., Senior Executive Vice President and Vice Chairman, CIBC Delivered Thursday, September 27, 2012 Click here for the full speech
In a report published today by The School of Public Policy, authors Ken McKenzie and Michael Firth challenge the way financial services (mutual funds, insurance, loans, etc.) are taxed under the GST in Canada. The authors find serious flaws with the current application of the exemption-based approach applied to financial services. Under the exemption approach […]
As a result of business tax reform since 2005, Canada has become the most tax-competitive jurisdiction in the G-7 according to a report released today by The School of Public Policy. In their 3rd Annual Global Tax Competitiveness Ranking, authors Jack Mintz and Duanjie Chen contrast the business tax regimes of 90 countries worldwide in […]
Report recommends policies for facilitating investment between two countries A report published today by The School of Public Policy and authored by Josephine Smart addresses some of the major challenges Canada faces both in investing in China and managing Chinese investment into Canada. The author also proposes policies that could help Canada overcome these challenges. […]
Report debunks myths tied to energy firms of all sizes to facilitate sound policymaking In a report published today by The School of Public Policy, authors Robert Mansell, Michal Moore, Jennifer Winter and Matt Krzepkowski challenge some common misconceptions about firm size in the energy industry. The authors conduct an empirical analysis of the […]
In a report published today by The School of Public Policy, author Ron Kneebone evaluates how Canadian governments are funding health care and whether the source of funds affects how much gets spent. Kneebone finds that governments employ several financing methods as alternatives to simply taxing voters. But doing so has repercussions. “Financing spending with […]
Un rapport préconise l’abolition des mécanismes de gestion de l’offre Selon l’auteure, Martha Hall Findlay, les risques sont minimes pour les élus Ottawa – Dans le cadre d’une conférence de presse organisée aujourd’hui par la School of Public Policy, l’ancienne députée libérale Martha Hall Findlay a sérieusement remis en question les arguments économiques et politiques […]
A number of recent studies have identified a slew of health implications associated with excess sodium intake. These sorts of health problems put a drain on the health system and government balance sheets. In a report released today by The School of Public Policy, author Lindsay McLaren proposes sodium reduction strategies that represent viable policy […]
Concerns over how Canada will be able to meet its mounting transportation infrastructure needs have been exacerbated by recent government belt-tightening. In a report released today by The School of Public Policy and Van Horne Institute, author Brian Flemming argues that it is infrastructure users who should be shouldering the financial burden of new projects […]