Calgary homeless numbers drop 11 per cent in latest head count but affordable housing still out of reach

Calgary’s homeless population is at the lowest mark in a decade, according to the latest provincewide head count.
But the president and CEO of the Calgary Homeless Foundation said while the 11 per cent drop from the city’s peak homeless population in 2008 is encouraging, there are still challenges ahead for those living on the margins trying to keep a roof over their heads amid Alberta’s economic downturn.
“There’s no question we’re in harm’s way,” said Diana Krecsy.
“This is a calm from what we’ve seen. But without more affordable housing meeting the needs of vulnerable populations . . . those numbers will grow.”
The second point-in-time count of Alberta’s homeless population saw volunteers canvas seven cities last month to gauge the number of people living on the streets or in shelters.
Calgary saw its number drop to 3,222, a nine per cent decrease from the last count in 2014 and an 11 per cent drop from the high water mark reached in 2008, at the tail end of the city’s last major boom. Provincewide, Alberta’s homeless population is down 19 per cent compared with two years ago, and 31 per cent from 2008.
Krecsy said the significant number of Calgarians who left the province looking for other opportunities contributed to the number, but with the city’s unemployment rate reaching double digits, many more are at risk of becoming homeless.
“The working poor here have left the province looking for jobs and that contributed to the numbers, and we now have more apartments available but they’re still not affordable,” she said.
“There are many living on the cusp of homelessness who are just making it by now, but they’re living paycheque to paycheque.”
Of those counted, which Krecsy notes is a snapshot and could fluctuate week to week, the majority (about nine in 10) live in either homeless shelters or interim housing. Some five per cent of the population live on the street and another six per cent are incarcerated.
According to the survey, three-quarters of Calgary’s homeless population is male, most are older than 45 and 20 per cent are Aboriginal.
Krecsy said since Calgary launched its 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness in 2008, some 8,000 people have been housed, a number expected to surpass 10,000 by 2018. Prior to the plan’s launch, the city’s homeless population had been rising 35 per cent every two years, which Krecsy noted could have vastly overwhelmed social support systems had it not been addressed.
A study released by the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy in September called the city’s affordable housing market a “disaster,” calling it the worst place to live in Canada for those living in poverty.
A final report that includes people in emergency rooms and in-patient services at Calgary hospitals is expected to be completed early next year, which could increase Calgary’s numbers.
Source: CBC