High-wage workers are under-covered by Canada’s employment insurance system and should have a voluntary top-up option, according to a new research paper from the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy. And, if the federal government won’t do it, provinces like Alberta should consider creating their own parallel EI system, say the paper’s authors. That’s […]

Source: CBC

Alberta may have lost the policy battle over the Energy East pipeline, but there’s one more battle to fight: the huge jurisdictional overreach by the National Energy Board’s addition of upstream emissions to the review of TransCanada pipeline’s application. Changing the rules in the middle of the game was the straw that broke the camel’s […]

Source: Calgary Herald

Andrei Sulzenko is a former Canadian trade negotiator and is currently an Executive Fellow at the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary. Well, the gloves are off – and maybe the helmets too. Only this time it’s not hockey. It’s trade negotiations. Let’s hope our Canadian players are good at both games. Last month, […]

Source: The Globe and Mail

Only one in three Albertans with disabilities are benefiting from the federal disability tax credit, according to a report from the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy. People with disabilities often face hidden (or non-itemizable) costs, and barriers that can lead to lower income and employment rates. The tax credit is designed to support persons with disabilities by […]

Source: CBC

A tax tsunami is set to wallop the global economy this week as the U.S. proceeds with its most extensive tax package since 1986. U.S. tax reform will have an immense impact on the global economy, not just in terms of investment but also corporate bond flows and the distribution of government tax revenues. As […]

Source: Financial Post