The School of Public Policy among top policy schools globally

IDEAS/RePEc released their global top 25 per cent of policy schools as of 2020 and The School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary ranked number 33. The School of Public Policy is the only policy school in Canada to have made the list, appearing alongside policy schools from Harvard, Columbia and Stanford to name a few.
IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to economics. Based on RePEc, or Research Papers in Economics, it indexes over 3,300,000 items of research, including over 3,100,000 that can be downloaded in full text. The rankings are based on analysis from data gathered with the RePEc project.

The analysis covers journal articles, books, book chapters, working papers and software components that are indexed in RePEc. So far, over 2,000 archives from 102 countries have contributed about three million research pieces from 3,500 journals and 5,000 working paper series.
Dr. PG Forest, PhD, is director and James S. and Barbara A. Palmer Chair in Public Policy at The School of Public Policy. Forest responded to the distinction, saying, “We’ve spent 12 years building our research capacity and outreach. And it’s working. This recognition is testament to the efforts of our experts and our team. We knew we were the leading policy school in Canada, now we know that we are being recognized internationally. That was always our goal.”
The School of Public Policy was founded with a vision to drive policy discourse with relevant research, outreach and teaching. Its faculty is composed of scholars with exceptional academic credentials and experienced practitioners in business, government and the non-profit sector.
The School’s research is renowned for its independence, credibility and fact-based analysis. The School’s influence is reflected by its wide dissemination among policy-makers, business leaders and the media; it is Canada’s most-cited policy school, by both traditional media and academic publications. Since its inception over a decade ago, the School has produced more than 500 peer reviewed publications.
Source: UToday